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Research & Development

Research & Development

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Sometimes before starting a design program, there are fundamental questions about whether it is possible to implement certain kinds of functionality.  In these cases, we can structure targeted R&D programs that establish the certainty you need to move forward with the design phase.

Resonant Circuit Labs can provide effective R&D services for projects that have fundamental questions relating to these fields of interest:

  1. Electronics
  2. Electro-mechanical
  3. Electro-optical
  4. Electromagnetic
  5. Electro-Chemical
  6. Physics

To more effectively address R&D projects, we maintain ties and relationships with Professors, Researchers, Doctoral, and Graduate School Alumni at the University of North Carolina Charlotte, Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Notre Dame. This allows us access to a wide variety of technology and resources that can benefit your projects.

By their nature, R&D services are very customized to each client.  Call us today to discuss turning your unknowns into knowledge.


Machine Design

Machine Design

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Although sharing many characteristics with Product Design, Machine Design typically has a number of design goals that are different.   Our design team understands that designing machines intended for manufacturing, or other commercial and industrial activities, differs in some significant ways.

Most projects of this type are a key element in the cost drivers of the materials they process. They also frequently have demanding technical requirements that will impact the client’s business costs for long periods of time.  We weigh the interaction of various technical approaches with the business impact of those choices very early in the program, and review those choices throughout the design cycle.

Another aspect of machine design is that it typically calls on a wide set of skills that frequently includes software application development.  We specialize in integrating design disciplines so the personnel who eventually operate and maintain the machine can be maximally productive.

When the design is complete, we are actively involved in the initial installation start-up process to ensure that we can incorporate any lessons learned during this critical phase into any subsequent units.

Call or email us today if you want Machine Design services that include a multidisciplinary design team with support during installation and start-up.

Smarter Grid

Smarter Grid

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Resonant Circuit Labs’ engineers worked on some of the very first 4-Quadrant Solid-State Electricity Metering devices – before the term “Smart Meters” even came into use.  With experience in the arcane areas of Power Quality Measurement, Transformer Loss Compensation, 3-Phase Power Measurement and ANSI testing – we can field a team to make your “Smart Grid” brilliant.

Additionally, we provide the type of Software Application Development that can turn your electronic measurement systems into actionable data for grid management or customer service.

Contact us today and see how we can increase your Smart Grid’s IQ.

Custom Multi-Processor DSP System for Telecommunications

Custom Multi-Processor DSP System for Telecommunications

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Resonant Circuit Labs provides access to a full range of embedded systems design capabilities. Whether you need a simple microcontroller design, a custom multi-processor system with Digital Signal Processing, or a system designed with  Commercially available Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components on popular backplanes like VMEbus or PC/104 – your next system is only a phone call away.

One example of previous experience is the attached photo of a system designed by Resonant Circuit Labs engineers.  It features a custom backplane design, 4 high-performance Texas Instruments 64xx Series Digital Signal Processors, USB communications and 24 channels of telecommunications processing capacity.

We can provide experience in a wide variety of processor architectures, Real-Time Operating Systems, and development platforms.  On staff are engineers with direct experience in designing and programming SoC (System on Chip) architectures.